Anime Gold N°2 - Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Looking for a new fantasy story? Check out "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar" Written by Ao Jūmonji and illustrated by Eiri Shirai. "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar" translated as "Grimgar Of Fantasy and Ash" is a fantasy light novel that was recently given an Anime adaptation of 12 episodes. They are currently 8 Light Novels released in Japan published by Overlap Bunko and so we can expect more episodes to come in the future.
"Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash" is a new take on the fantasy genre mixing video game elements into a real life setting. Animated by A-1 Pictures and directed by Ryosuke Nakamura. The animation and artistic style is perfect for the setting, with beautifully crafted backgrounds resembling hand paintings. The music score then comes and accompanies the whole to magically transport as to a world of fantasy.
We follow the story of six teens who band together to try and survive in a strange new reality. Their first memory being of complete darkness from which they escaped. However outside they all find themselves in an unknown place. Having no memories of their past or how they got there. They soon realize that not only do they know nothing of this world but they will have to join the Red Moon Office as Volunteer Soldiers if they wish to make a living and survive. Taking on jobs to hunt down dangerous creatures such as the goblins and cobalts. Discover along side Haruhiro, Manato, Shihoru, Yume, Ranka and Moguzo this world of magic and fantasy in which survival is prime.
For fantasy and video game enthusiasts I guarantee you will love this anime.

P.S. "Waiting patiently for the next season and the books to finally make their way here"